Zephyros Kafkalides
Zephyros Kafkalides : Studied Philosophy and Law at Athens University (Greece). He is a Member of the Athens Bar and author of numerous historical and philosophical works, member of the Committee of Greek National Issues and guest lecturer in International Law, Diplomacy and Philosophy of History. In 2001 he received the Academy of Athens award for his literary work.
Over the last 35 years he has been presenting at international congresses the research work of Athanasios Kafkalides MD (1919-1987) in the field of psychedelic psychotherapy and prenatal psychology. His papers have been published in the official journal of the International Society of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine ( ISPPM)
His latest book, Studies on Prenatal Psychology and Psychedelic Science, co-authored by Constantine Kafkalides MD, refers to the findings, the theoretical views, as well as the similarities and differences in methodology in the research work of Stanislav Grof, Frank Lake, and Athanassios Kafkalides. The three psychiatrists used psychedelic drugs as an adjuvant psychotherapeutic means