Theodoros Tsoutsouras
Pneumonologist, Red Cross Hospital, Athens, Intensive Care Unit
Dr. Theodoros Tsoutsouras was born and raised in Athens, Greece. He studied Medicine at the University of Pecs, Hungary. He specialised in Respiratory and Intensive Care medicine in Athens, while completing his masters degree in health management. He underwent further training as a senior medical clinical fellow in the UK in Oxford at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Harefield Hospital of the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation trust, the Royal Free Hospital London and Homerton University Hospital. He developed an interest in quality improvement and safety while managing complex transplant patients and completing yearly audits. He is currently a consultant at the Hellenic Red Cross Hospital of Athens managing a vast and diverse population of patients in the Intensive Care setting. His long experience with gravely ill patients has led to the continuous development of means of improving everyday medical practice, palliative care and the general well being both emotional and psychological, of patients and family at the end of life.