Spyridon Rangos

Spyridon Rangos

Professor of Ancient Greek Literature and Philosophy in the University of Patras

Spyridon Rangos is  (Greece), Director of a Graduate Program, and the President of the European Society for Ancient Philosophy. He has been educated as a classical scholar and historian of ideas in the University of Athens, the University of Cambridge, where he took his Ph.D., the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), and Princeton University. His research interests focus on the interrelationships between philosophy and religion, and the history of metaphysics in Greek antiquity. He has published extensively on topics ranging from Alcman’s cosmogony and Empedocles’ notion of the divine, to Plato’s “sudden moment”, Aristotle’s Metaphysics, and Proclus’ approach to poetry and myth. His new book Θαυμάζειν – Ἀπορεῖν – Φιλοσοφεῖν : The Beginning of Philosophy and Philosophy as a Beginning in the Classical Era will be published shortly by the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation.

"At Eleusis, one realises, if never before, that there is no salvation in becoming adapted to a world which is crazy. At Eleusis, one becomes adapted to the cosmos. Outwardly Eleusis may seem broken, disintegrated with the crumbled past; actually, Eleusis is still intact and it is we who are broken, dispersed, crumbling to dust. Eleusis lives; lives eternally in the midst of a dying world."
Henry Miller

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