Kiveli Doerken
Kiveli Dörken’s temperament, passion and dedica6on to music is palpable in every one of her concerts. With her infec6ous enthusiasm and cap6va6ng presence, she values a close contact with her audience, o@en addressing the listeners first, before siBng down at the piano and pushing the boundaries of sound diversity and ar6s6c expression.
At the age of eight, she gave her orchestral debut. She has since performed as a soloist with orchestras such as the Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the Hamburger Camerata, the Camerata Bern and the Athens state orchestra.
Kiveli dedicates a considerable amount of her 6me to playing chamber music. She performs regularly with ar6sts such as Chris6an Tetzlaff, Sharon Kam, Maximilian Hornung and Tanja Tetzlaff.
In 2015 she founded the Molyvos Interna6onal Music Fes6val (MIMF) on the Greek Island Lesbos, of which she is also the ar6s6c director. The MIMF does not only bring the tradi6on of classical music to Lesbos, it has become a symbol of hope for the en6re region.