Ilias Monacholias

Ilias Monacholias

Administrator of Elefsina Arts & Culture NPCP

Civil Engineer from University of Patra (1979).
Seminars for Business Process Reengineering, Sales and Marketing, Management.

Social activity
• Administrator of Elefsina Arts and Culture NPCP
• Founder and Administrator of Friends of Elefsina NPCP
• Ex Vice Mayor of Elefsina
• Member of the Board of Patra University Students Union

Professional Experience
Renewable Energy Advisor 2013-2024.
Entrepreneur in Energy Systems, Café – Restaurant, Publishing House, and Hotel Services 2006-2024.
Business Executive in Private Sector 1987-2007 and 2017-2018.
-in position of Chief Executive Officer, of General Director, Commercial Director, Marketing Director, Sales Director, Customer Support Director (in Renewable Energy and IT Companies)
Freelance / Civil Engineer.
-Studies / Constructions of Private Projects and Constructions of Public Projects since 1979 to 1987.

Major Projects
• Development and Construction for PPCR of large RES projects (PV, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal) and small – medium Biomass, Biogas, Hydro-electric and Geothermal projects.
• Develop Affiliate Network of Multirama shops based on Franchising – on behalf of the Board of Directors.
• Establish a countrywide network product resale and service offering companies – Singular Business Centers / Nationwide network.

"At Eleusis, one realises, if never before, that there is no salvation in becoming adapted to a world which is crazy. At Eleusis, one becomes adapted to the cosmos. Outwardly Eleusis may seem broken, disintegrated with the crumbled past; actually, Eleusis is still intact and it is we who are broken, dispersed, crumbling to dust. Eleusis lives; lives eternally in the midst of a dying world."
Henry Miller

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